My favourite thing I did this weekend is kapa haka and singing songs.
What was your favourite thing this week.
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My favourite thing I did this weekend is kapa haka and singing songs.
What was your favourite thing this week.
Thank you for reading my blog.
I tenei wiki, I felt successful in swimming because I did a length.
What do you feel successful in this week?
Thank you for reading my blog.
I tenei wiki, I am proud of going to pasifika.
Aku Tino mahi,My favorite thing I did this week is place value.
A tera wiki, I would like to finish my writing neater.
He aha tou tino mahi i te wiki nei? What is your favorite work this week?
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l have been learning how to say where something in te reo maori.
We read the book kei Hea te kuri, used some poi and sung e rere taku poi and practiced asking each other kei hei te titipea. I had fun practising with my friend Tawera.
I made a puppet pals to help others learn how to answer kei hea te kuri
Do you know how to reply to kei hea te kuri…
Thank you for reading my blog
We wanted to mAke matariki cards but we didn t want to use new paper because paper comes from trees. To conserve our rakau we used scrap paper and old news paper to create new paper for our cards check out my new paper card.
What are you doing to celebrate Matariki?
Today I worked with my friends to create a word cloud with words that have the sound /ai/ in them. Check out creation. I really liked making the shape
and the shape was a star I added 11 words.
Today I made a quality blog comment on explain everything.
We are learning how to make a quality blog comment.
I made an explain everything with the parts of a quality blog comment.
Today I made a map for my friend to figure out if he can get to the trisha. I told him where to go to find the trisha.
He got to the Trisha by following my dyrections.
Today I made a bird protector we had to put some plastic to make our bird protects to help are windows so the birds cant crash into our windows.
so they don’t crash.